Fifth Dispatch"
edited by Stuart Swezey
Amok Books, 1999
Amok: Sourcebook
of the Extremes of Information is your source for all publications
strange--books too out there for your local bookseller. This book, put
out by the Koma
Bookstore in L.A., is the Sears Wish Book for all your counter-culture,
sub-culture, conspiracy, ufo, survivalists, and weirdo-thinking reading.
The catalogue is broken down into several Amok-centric categories like:
"Control" (secret societies/hidden world controllers), " Mayhem" (true
crime, disasters, forensic medicine), "Neuropolitics" (the brain and things
that alter the brain/perception/reality), "Scratch 'n' Sniff" (pop culture
and kitsch), and "Orgone" (sexuality). The back of the book also includes
an extensive index of publishers and websites for further exploration.
This sourcebook is not for the faint-of-heart, though. It at times can
show the real dark and troubled side to the Weirdo Community. It's not
surprising that several of the books featured in Amok have
made their way (or will make their way soon) to this site's Book
Shelf. The Fifth Dispatch is larger, slicker and including more
weirdness than the Fourth and well worth the over five year wait.
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