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And don't forget about...
New Links
Burlesque Bitch--Your
free internet resource for all things burlesque.
Exciting Sounds--Their
mission: to celebrate and protect pop culture history
Becky Lee--One of
our favorite Bachelor Pad Magazine pin-ups models!
Super Thriller--An
out-of-this-world podcast hosted by the musical mavens Jay & Jocko
Jump With Joey Altruda
blog--Neo-lounge swinger collects cool atomic age artifacts.
The Rumba Club--A
website for discerning individuals who appreciate classic beauty and style.
Lushpad.com--Online marketplace
for modern collectors.
cocktails in a swank pad. Tiki podcast.
Modern Living--Vintage
home furnishings.
Aces & Eights--Traditional
Hot Rods and Customs.
Inhabitions of Soundscape Nostalgie.
The Glamour Girl Store--Vintage
& Retro Light Switchplate Covers
Tiki Lounge and Bar--Melbourne
Australia's only Classic-style Tiki Bar.
music, and pop culture.
Java's Favorite Links
Lotta Livin'--Living
that mid-century modern life style!
Island--All your Tiki dreams come to life plus fun little desktop
The Moon-Rays--Cool
Spy-Fi band out of Chicago.
museum run by the amazing Dixie Evans.
place to get cool threads, especially bowling shirts.
Thrillville--Will the
Thrill is one hep cat.
Hard Case Crime--The
next generation of pulp paperbacks.
Jeanne Carmen--50's
blonde bombshell and trick golfer.
Modern Day Pin-up/Burlesque Gals
Sabina Kelley--Covergal
for Bachelor Pad Magazine #3!
Bernie Dexter--JBP
Official Retro Pin-Up Model!
The World Famous Pontani
Sisters--Burlesque's triple threat!
Camp Burlesque--See
what goes on at one of the hottest summer camps around!
Miss Tayva--JBP 2nd
Cheesecake Queen!
Miss Jeanette--Another
one of our favorite modern pin-ups gals!
Ryan--Covergal for Bachelor Pad Magazine #11
O'Hara--JBP 5th Cheesecake Queen!
Kate's Pinups--One
of JBP Modern Femme Fatales.
Heidi Van Horne--Actress,
model, and all-around amazing beauty. A true Modern Femme Fatales!
Scarlet Sinclair--Bump
'n' grind gal from NYC.
Mini LeMeaux--Burlesque
dancer. Screem Queen. Pin-up vixen.
Dita Von Teese--One of the
best retro models out there.
Miss Jami Deadly--Gothy
femme fatale.
Hi-Fi Music Links
Spy-Fi--One of the coolest
spy bands out there!
portal for weird and wonderful music.
Basic Hip Digital Oddio--Check
out their download-able Album of the Week.
Overplay--Crazy sounds and cool compilations.
Raymondo's Dance-O-Rama--More
great music to download.
On-Line Bachelor 'Zines Links
AskMen.com--a website for
men. Recently featured the Bachelor Pad as their site of
the day.
Brazen Hussies--Dames
with attitude and great taste in pin-ups.
magazine with classic style pin-ups and more!
Unicorn Meat--Cool
blog from the lovely Kara Mae featuring old vinyl gems and more.
Shimmy Magazine--The
best biggest little burlesque magazine ever.
Tiki Links
Aku Wear--Designs by German
tiki-artist Thorsten Hasenkamm.
TikiBars.com--Need supplies
for your tiki bar? Here's the place to go.
Aisle Tiki--Great place
to go for tiki mugs and tiki art.
Hanford Lemoore's Tiki Room--A
space age bachelor pad site that's just starting out.
Tiki Bar Review Page--Reviews
of tiki bars across the US and Canada including my favorite, Hala Kahiki,
in River Grove, Illinois.
Tiki Mania!--A great
source for all those Tiki Collectables.
Tiki News--Fanzine about
Tiki Culture.
Pin-Up/Burlesque Links
Mara Corday
Shrine--Website dedicated to the 1950's bombshell.
Ministry of Burlesque--Resources
for UK burlesque performers.
The Candy Pitch--Wonderful
new blog featuring news from the burlesque world.
The Pin-Up Art of Charlene
Lanzel--Naughty and nice pin-ups.
G-Strings Forever--Jo
Boob's great website about the art and business of burlesque.
Disruptive Productions--Modern
pin-ups feature some of our favorite Cheesecake Gals!
Broadview Graphics--Ultra-hip
pin-up graphics.
Glamour Girls
of the Silver Screen--A to Z of beautiful women.
Atomic Pin-Up--Hot
rods and even hotter women.
Bootleg Burlesque--A
site dedicated to the golden age of Burly-Q.
Fluffgirl Burlesque--A
very yummy collection of bump-and-grind gals.
back and better than ever. A great place for pin-up people to meet.
man's quest to archive classic men's magazines.
Star & Garter
Magazine--Kara Mae's cool print magazine about Burlesque fashion
and glamour.
Glamour Girls: Then & Now--Amazing
site from cool cat Steve Sullivan.
Martha's Girls--Modern
girls making the most of vintage erotic style!
Rabbit Studio--The home of pin-up/fantasy photographer Danielle
The Golden Days of Burlesque
Historical Society--Helping to preserve burlesque's history.
Viva VaVoom--Tribute
site to Lili St. Cyr.
WinkyTiki--Modern pin-up
Elliott Mattice--Amazing
pin-up painter.
Bootleg Burlesque--A
tribute to all those great gals of burlesque.
Tallulahs--Classic nude
paintings, vintage erotica, and old dirty French postcards.
Elvira--The Mistress of
the Dark.
Lacy Unltd--Amazing
retro pin-up photography from Mark Anthony Lacy.
source for videos featuring all those classic glamour gals of yesteryear
like Virginia Bell, Tempest Storm, Candy Barr, Lili St. Cyr, and more!
Go visit them, they're cool!
Elegance--Large collection of what people refer to as "Ye Olde
French Postcards."
Dragstrip Groupies--Classic
nudie pin-ups. All in glorious black and white. Lot's of Bettie Page!
Punk Rocker's Pin-Up
Page--Another great source for classic and modern pin-ups.
Gil Elvgren--He has
been called the Normal Rockwell of pin-up art.
Mamie Van Doren--See
what this classic glamour girl is up to nowadays.
Bettie Page Links
The BettiePage.com--Great
source for all things Bettie!
Bettie Page
Big List of Links--Page after page dedicated to the Queen of the
BooBooKitty's Bettie
Page Page--A fun site from a collector and fan.
Lounge Links
Clouseaux--Tiki and Space-Age
Bachelor Pad Music
Jimmy Vargas and
the Black Dahlia--A total noir experience.
Les Baxter--Official
site of one of the masters of lounge.
Nutty--Classic rock numbers
done ala cocktail jazz, crime jazz, swing, latin and bop.
Bob Thompson--One
of unsung heroes of space-age bachelorpad music.
Mr. Suave's Swingin' Cocktail
Lounge --A great site from a true fan of lounge music.
Yma Sumac--Official homepage
of the Queen of Exotica.
London--A fan site about one of the greatest torch singers ever.
Love Jones--The band
is back together and making more of their lounge/soul hybrid music.
How To Speak Hip--Real
Audio rendition of this famous beat comedy album.
Retro Cocktail Hour--Weekly cocktail/lounge show out of KANU. Very
Patio Culture--1960's
cold war anxiety mixed with every American's need for leisure.
lounge culture and goth culture collide.
Crazy Joe's Surf Lounge--The
sand. The surf. The sun!
Ultra Lounge--Capitol
Records' incredible series of cocktail muisc reissues. (As seen many times
in the
Misc Links
Cherry Club--Social
club and networking site for modern pin-ups.
nudes of pretty women.
Big Al
Caricature--Don't let the name fool you. Big Al does some amazing
collection of classic Vegas photos.
Dynamite D's Drink
Database--Drink recipes and more!
Virile Lit--Manly
reads for manly men.
fashions and more!
Delta Of Venus--Dirty
stories. Lusty movies. Obscene art. Lots of naked ladies.
Kitschy Kitschy Cool--One-stop
shopping for quirky and cool stuff.
Uncle Fezter's Flowers--Unique
hair flowers for all you krazy kittens.
Black Corset Candles--Cool
candles featuring hot pin-ups!
Retro Planet--Unique
and cool retro gifts
and pin-up culture blog.
retro stuff. Check out their picture frames.
Twirly Girl Pasties--Pasties
and lessons on how to use them from Indigo Blue.
Adult Magazines--A great place to get all those vintage girlie
Tip Top Atomic Shop--Cool
retro store in the heart of Milwaukee.
L.A. Time Machine--L.A. bars
and restaurants of the 1940's, 50's, and 60's.
Meteor Lights--The
best place to go for all of your bachelor pad lighting needs!
Retro Kitty Kat--Vintage
for the Modern Bombshell. Sexy and youthful vintage and retro clothing,
accessories and home.
Diva Oz--Cool stuff on eBay from the ViVa Pinup gals.
girlies on lighters. Guaranteed to heat things up!
Sideshow Stamps--Retro
rubber stamps: tikis, fezes, martini glasses, hulas girls and more!
Untamed Highway--A
Space Age Bachelor oriented comic book filled with tikis; an alligator
boy; a sexy, busty ex-girlfriend; lots of fezzes and buffalo hats.
Voodoo Doll clothing--Sultry
bombshells clothing
Intimates Lingerie--Sexy retro lingerie.
Radar--A place to keep up-to-date with retro culture.
place where cool cats and crazy kitten meet.
VOILA!--Vintage erotica
and e-cards.
Cinema Sirens--Movie
bombshells of the 1950's, 60's, and 70's.
Tramp Lamps--Funky
lamps made out of vintage lingerie.
Film Noir Portrairure--Jim
Ferreira's stunning noir-styled photos.
Flounder--Tiki and
"Lowbrow" art. Amazing tiki paintings!
Miaaow--Nylons and lacy
numbers for all you sex kittens.
Rockabilly Momma--Vintage
Clothing for the Hour Glass Gal.
Jivin' Lounge--Cool
retro culture site.
Leopard Lady Lounge--Brand
new on-line store that has the A-to-Z in bachelor and bachelorette attire
and accessories.
Shag-Art--Mr. Shag is
one of the hippest retro-artists around. Check out his artwork!
Pulp Fiction Post
Cards--A place to get copies of all those great tawdry paperback
World Explorers Club--Headquarted
in Kempton, IL, The WEX is the home of the very cool Adventured Unlimited
Fortean Times Online--the
best paranormal and strange phenomenon magazine out there.
News of the Weird--Weelky
column following all the weirdness we humans have to offer.
Havana Street--Great
retro clip art that all you hipsters will dig. They have everything from
swing kids to space aliens.
Archie McPhee--All the
toys you'll ever need for your post-modern lifestyle.
The Whole Pop Magazine Online--From
the same people who brought you theWhole Pop Catalog.
Shannanigan's Rockin' Art--Great
source material for your own bachelor pad website.
Something Weird Video--A
great place to get all you cult/strange/bizarro movies.
Consumption--From the same people who brought you the 'zine "Beer
The Church of the SubGenius--I
never miss the "Hour of Slack!"
The Straight Dope--One
of the best newspaper columns around.
The Onion-Weekly satire
Weekly World News-The
best tabloid around. Their website isn't as cool as the ink and paper version,
but still worth checking out.