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It Works Like Magic, But There's A Trick To It:

"The Counter-Pass"

by Ronnie Lake



Vol. 1, No. 11, August,  1956

          Some prizefighters have been highly successful, a few even reaching the top of their weight divisions, through the successful employment of the counter-punch. This technique involves forcing an opponent to lead, and then taking advantage of any opening that develops before he can recover his balance and get his guard up.
     The same tactics work with women, too. For the purposes of this discussion, we can call this strategy the "counter-pass."
     Just about everything that can be said has been said about the direct approach, which ranges from the standard saloon gambit, "Bartender, give that little lady a drink on me," to the really direct form of approach employed by an acquaintance of mine, who boldly puts the question to a lady within five minutes after meeting her for the first time.
     "Don't you get slapped a lot that way, Charlie?" I asked him once.
     "Yeah," he admitted. "But I get a lot, too."
     The counter-pass is for the more philosophical and less hurried wolf, and a rudimentary knowledge of psychology is a big help.
     We must accept the fact that our society is founded upon the hypocritical assumption that a pretty girl who goes to a party wearing a gown with décolletage down to here and is doused to the armpits with perfume hasn't a thought of sex in her curly little head, but is looking for male companionship on an honorable, meaning platonic, basis.
     Lay a finger on her sweetly exposed shoulder, and she's apt to holler sex fiend.
     But don't blame the doll. That attitude is just what society expects of her and, if she yielded to her impulses and purred like a kitten under a toying and caressing hand, all the other babes present would consider her a hussy.
     The counter-pass technique avoids embarrassments such as this. And anyone, as long as he's reasonably attractive and eligible (meaning he's hasn't already got a Number One Wife and a mistress or two) can use it to his advantage. The only character requisite is patience.
     Although society demands of a girl, no matter how healthy, that she put up at least a token resistance to the direct approach, it is inversely true that if there is no approach there is necessarily no resistance. And that's the key to the whole strategy.
     The counter-passer is the sly guy who goes to a party and makes no advances toward the lovely little chit upon whom he has set his sights. Or toward any other girl, either. He talks about jazz music, his favorite brands of whiskey, joins in the scrabble game and spends considerable time in the kitchen. He is witty and charming and makes a good impression on everyone.
     But he doesn't even mention sex, or romance, or tell the lovely little chit she looks gorgeous in that off-the-shoulder gown with the stiff-slips underneath. If she smells good, you'd never know it from him. He's polite, but distant.
     He plays it the coolest.

     Here's where an understanding of basic psychology comes in. It is an established fact that, despite the polite resistance demanded of women by society, no woman can tolerate the thought that she will not be called upon to resist. This has to do with fundamental ego. All women must feel that they are physically desirable to men, even if they have no immediate intention of gratifying the male desire. And when a man fails to respond to her allure, she is intrigues. Either she hasn't got it, a premise which she will go to some length to disprove, or he doesn't want it, which means that he is either (a) queer or (b) a man of such high standards that she feels called upon to test them.
     The truly adept counter-passer is a man capable of biding his time. He manages to be around the girl he desires under the most favorable conditions, but his maneuvers are so subtle that she has no idea he is maneuvering. She is piqued and perturbed. She's got to find out why her charms have failed to cast their customary spell. She feels rejected.
     These pressures build, with the help of the skillful counter-passer, until, finally, she is forced into making a move.
     The first moves are feints, and the counter-passer understands this. He knows that her approach in these early stages is tentative and inspired more by curiosity than desire. So he falls into no traps. He doesn't respond. And the pressure keeps building.
     Provided there is a mutual attraction to begin with, the time will inevitably come when she can stand this state of affairs no longer. Everything's involved--her pride, her curiosity, her natural sex-drive. She's got to do something, and she does. What she does depends on the girl. She may invite the counter-passer to a cozy, candlelit dinner for two at her apartment, or suggest a picnic in the country. But--you can believe it--she'll do something.
     And the counter-passer is off third and headed for home.
     Given the requisites of privacy and proximity, the girl, driven by ego, curiosity and biology, will (and this is guaranteed) make an overt move, provided the counter-passer is clever enough to bring about the psychological moment. And she's hardly in any position to voice indignation or protest too vehemently when he comes out of his shell and throws his counter-pass. Like the fighter who leads, she's swung and missed and she's off-balance and her guard's down. There's really nothing for her to do but relax and enjoy it and hope for the best.
     In this racket, however, there's no referee and a ten-count is much too short.
     From that point on, things go along just as they would have gone had a successful direct approach been employed.
     Except for one little thing. The aftermath.
     Any girl taken by the successful application of the direct approach is in a position to make a man feel obligated. After all, he asked for it and got it.
     But the girl who falls to the counter-passer is done. She buttered her own bread and must lie in it. When the affair is over, the man, is, ethically, free as the breeze.
     Weighing the advantages of the counter-pass against the disadvantages (it takes time, sometimes), it is easily seen that, for an experienced Escapader, the end is not only justified, but made happily certain, by the means.


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