"Amok: Fifth Dispatch" edited by Stuart Swezey "Everything Is Under Control" by Robert Anton Wilson with Miriam Joan Hill "Freaks: We Who Are Not As Others" by Daniel P. Mannix "High Weirdness By Mail" by Rev. Ivan Stang "How To Get A Date With A Vampire" by Kiki Olson "I Watched A Wild Hog Eat My Baby!" by Bill Sloan "Is Elvis Alive" by Gail Brewer-Giorgio "Jell-O: A Biography" by Carolyn Wyman "Just Above the Mantelpiece: Mass-Market Masterpieces" by Wayne Hemingway "Liquid Conspiracy" by George Piccard "The Machiavellian's Guide to Womanizing" by Nick Casanova "Media Sexploitation" by Wilson Bryan Key "Mind Control, Oswald, & JFK" by Kenn Thomas and Lincoln Lawrence "Secrets of a Telephone Psychic" by Frederick Woodruff "V is for Vampire" by David J. Skal
"Everything Is Under Control" by Robert Anton Wilson with Miriam Joan Hill
"Freaks: We Who Are Not As Others" by Daniel P. Mannix
"High Weirdness By Mail" by Rev. Ivan Stang
"How To Get A Date With A Vampire" by Kiki Olson
"I Watched A Wild Hog Eat My Baby!" by Bill Sloan
"Is Elvis Alive" by Gail Brewer-Giorgio
"Jell-O: A Biography" by Carolyn Wyman
"Just Above the Mantelpiece: Mass-Market Masterpieces" by Wayne Hemingway
"Liquid Conspiracy" by George Piccard
"The Machiavellian's Guide to Womanizing" by Nick Casanova
"Media Sexploitation" by Wilson Bryan Key
"Mind Control, Oswald, & JFK" by Kenn Thomas and Lincoln Lawrence
"Secrets of a Telephone Psychic" by Frederick Woodruff
"V is for Vampire" by David J. Skal
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